Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A Few Quotes About Headaches

A couple witty jokes and quotes about headaches you might find funny

How To Get Rid Of A Headache While Pregnant

Find Out How To Get Rid Of A Headache While Pregnant 

When a headache seems to be taking over your day you might want to do something about it. Of course you can always take some over the counter painkillers but those are never the best option. Especially when you want to learn how to get rid of a headache while pregnant. Those types of medications can cause some harmful problems in the long run. Its best to steer clear from these medications and try a couple of alternative methods. When I say alternative methods, yes I mean natural remedies. If you are not a fan of natural remedies then you might want to leave now before we start. I personally know from experience that there are a ton of natural remedies for headaches. I have tried many, some have failed and some worked wonders. It is all about trial and error and since you are pregnant you have all the time in the world to try stuff out. Unfortunately one of the common negative symptoms of pregnancy is having a headache. If you get them on a day to day basis this may be the solution that you have been looking for.

Lavender Oil 

From proper research and testing we have found essential lavender oil to be a great success for headaches. You should be able to locate these natural essential oils on the internet or possibly in your local grocery store. The harder part of this process is finding the lavender oil. Once you have it finally you can use it for a headache virtually every single time. It should give you some relief every single time. The best part about it is you will never grow a tolerance for it like you would with over the counter medications. You also are not risking any problems with the pregnancy and you can sleep well at night knowing your baby is okay.

Peppermint Oil 

One of the other very simple and very common natural remedies is peppermint oil. You might be thinking that peppermint oil is supposed to be for food or drinks. Yes this is one of the many uses of peppermint oil. But if you want to know how to get rid of a headache while pregnant this may be a great solution. Many individuals say that rubbing the peppermint oil on your temples will relieve a severe headache or tension headache. I have never personally given this one a try but I am pretty confident you will have some success with the research I have done.

So again, instead of putting your baby or pregnancy at risk. Just use natural remedies and everything will be fine. Good luck and hopefully you no longer have a headache after trying a couple of these.

Other sources:

Headaches - Mechanical and Nutritional Causes of Headache Pain

Interesting video on the Headaches - Mechanical and Nutritional Causes of Headache Pain 

Different Kinds Of Headaches

Three Types Of Headaches

Did you know that there are actually a handful of different headaches that you can have. I bet you probably did not know that did you? Well yes its actually the truth. Headaches are notorious for causing a lot of pain and problems. But it also might be a great idea for you to know which one you might be dealing with. So here are a couple of different types of headaches that you might be on the look out for.

1. Migraine
We all get migraines every once in a while. In fact some people are born to get ridiculous migraines every single day. Migraines run in the family pretty often and if your mother, father, grandfather or grandmother got them there is a massive chance of you getting them as well. Migrainse are essentially just insane headaches that cause a lot of pain. Symptoms are sensitivity to light, sound and movement. The pain can be anywhere from mild to intense.

Tension headaches are easily the most common headache you can ever get. It is caused by not only stress but just tension in your neck or back. If you work on a computer a lot you are much more prone to getting a tension headache. Symptoms also include pain when moving neck that goes away with sleep.

3.Cluster Headache
A cluster headache is commonly known as the worst headache of all time. So severe that some people have thought about dying while having them. Also known as a stabbing pain in your eye, cluster headaches are very uncommon and do not happen often.

those are the three most common types of headaches to look out for in your lifetime. You will probably get all three of them at least one time. Maybe not a cluster headache but the other two yes. Good luck because they all are terrible.

What Causes Headaches?

So what are some of the main causes of a headache? Find out by watching this video! 

Causes Of Headaches

Welcome To The Headache Blog

Why hello there and how are we doing today? Dealing with a headache right now or maybe somebody you know is dealing with a headache? Well the world is full of people just like you. We are here to give you the stats and tips you need to deal with your headache professionally. Headaches are not something that is new to us and its our profession. Check out our website as well, we are currently working on getting it all set up. Welcome to the site, this will be amazing I promise!